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Education / Skills Building

Ending Poverty Thru a Combination of Specialized and Targeted Skills Building and Sponsored Social Enterprises Model

Orpe Human Rights Advocates aims of becoming an important development partner for the community development agencies. OHRA is expected of playing a crucial role in combatting poverty and securing a better life for many of the poorest people in the United States and around the World.


We would like to focus on how new model focused on providing specialized quality skills to people living in poverty, low-income families, and veterans could contribute to the overall set of our nation's goals of sustainable development. Orpe Human Rights Advocates poverty alleviation model also is tested and was found to be effective in the combat of poverty in the cities and nations around the world. 


As it can be noted in one of its mission statement, Orpe Human Human Rights Advocates is committed to empowering homeless, veterans, and low-income families move their lives from the status of zero or insufficient incomes to the status of self-sufficient incomes. The model accomplishes this goal in two ways:  The first way is related to designing programs that create jobs such as social enterprises and providing training and supportive services to those engaged on entrepreneurship initiatives. Both social enterprises and entrepreneurship initiatives should be financially sponsored and centralized and run by well-trained change makers, leaderships, and experts in the Orpe Human Rights Advocates Model of creating values and making changes become a realty. The second way is related to providing targeted and individualized  education, professional skills, and executive and leadership skills development to serve the above stated purpose. 


This commitment to making changes for better in the lives of distressed, and people living in poverty through a standardized model from Orpe Human Rights Advocates' wraparound  developed by Dr. Edward-t Moises is crucial in the course of moving people from the status of insufficient income to the status of self-sufficient income. The program is also reflected in its strategic plan. The Orpe Human Rights Advocates' "White Paper on Education" and Skills Building for Development announces a global effort to achieve good quality, relevant skills building strategy to  address training programs’ role in  fighting poverty, creating jobs, foster sustainable development, improve health, and promote gender equality, peace and democracy.


Let us start by looking at the situation that motivates Orpe Human Rights Advocates focus on education and training in the areas of self-sufficiency income, personal development, professional skills building, and executive and leadership skills development. A sad misconception pervades our city: that homeless, low-income or poor people cannot be educated until we have solved the problem of poverty. This is a convenient narrative because it lets everyone off the hook for the lacks of initiatives to solve the issue of poor, homeless, and low-income families. All blame can be put on poverty. Unfortunately, for some this means blaming the homeless or people living in poverty. Any community—or city—is in trouble when the dialogue revolves around the question “who’s at fault?” instead of “what’s the problem and how do we solve it?” Let’s get out of the blame game in which relief programs stuck in a bad system feel vilified, politicians duck for cover and people argue about the wrong things. Believing that poor, homeless, low-income individuals, or people living in poverty can’t learn and gain valuable and useful skills merely leads to paralysis.


The root cause of poverty is lack of education. When we say lack of education we also means lack of professional skills, executive and leadership skills, and personal development skills emptiness.  If you can’t read or do basic math, if you can’t show a modernized and useful know-how skills, if you can't show up for work and apply yourself, you will not have a job. You will be poor. Other actions may dent poverty, but the War on Poverty is more than 50 years old and the gains are few. 


The clear path forward is to realize that the premise that poor, homeless, people living in poverty, or low-income can’t be taught is wrong. The human potential currently going to waste could be turned into the economic engine—one that would make our state the envy of the nation and demonstrate a better route to prosperity.


Fortunately, we citizens can take direct action. Educating and providing useful and practical professional skills, and useful know-how to homeless, people living in poverty, or low-income people is hard work; training people mired in poverty is even harder. To address the needs of these people requires a completely different structure or business model. Putting bandages on the current broken system is not working.


Marginalized families are in the lowest income bracket, they have lower rates of life expectancy, a higher incidence of health problems, including high maternal mortality rates, and they are more likely dependent on welfare. But despite all their struggles, they don't think to further their education in order to improve their socio-economic status. Why? The reason is that they are afraid of living their low paying jobs to avoid becoming behind of their monthly bills. That is their first priority when they are asked what it most important to them. We therefore owe them adapted educational or skills building structures and individualized transformational programs that responds to their expectations – and to the opportunities that comes after completed education.


Orpe Human Rights Advocates skills building programs that target marginalized including homeless, veterans, and poor populations will bring change in many of the systemic factors that have contributed to the delay in poor communities’ development. OHRA model is expected to reduce poverty and thus can prevent the transmission of poverty between generations. Empowering lives through skills building programs (Education) also has documented effect on health, nutrition, economic development and on environmental protection (UNESCO 2104: Sustainable development begins with education).


Orpe Human Rights Advocates believes that targeted education and skills building programs for entrepreneurship and business management is important to encourage and enable young people to develop their own businesses. However, statistics indicate in man countries that about 50%  of created business collapse within the five years of their creation. What that mean? It means that although we can forced young people create businesses, if there if a nation does not have a relevant coordinated supporting strategy deemed to supporting the efforts of business creators, more than 50% of created businesses will be collapsing and the out of business entrepreneurs will become a burden for the government. In stead of helping grow the national economy, the out of business entrepreneurs may become burden for the grown of the economy. To avoid OHRA social enterprise initiatives fall within the range of enterprises that collapse within five years of their creation, Orpe programs focus on the following coordinated supportive pillars:


  • Entrepreneurship capacity building

  • Equipping change-makers with transformational leadership skills

  • Stimulating and supporting entrepreneurship initiatives

  • Know-how, and technology

  • Coordinated supportive social service


One of the goals associated with Orpe Human Rights Advocates' mission is promoting programs that rehabilitate homeless or low-income families or lives living in poverty change their financial status from insufficient income to self-sufficient income. We engage people living in poverty in the difficult exercises of behavioral modifications. The program consists of dissuading sociological, psychological, and spiritual behaviors that hold them back from making positive decisions susceptible to change lives for better.


Orpe Human Rights Advocates Poverty Eradication Model is based on investing on human capital and other investments that can better build on the strengths of the various interventions to find synergies that brings development in Maryland even at our  nation to a higher level.


We look forward to cooperating with a broad range of partners in making this OHRA’s high ambitions of alleviating poverty a success, and to make sure we interlink with the other areas of the sustainable development agenda. 


Edward-t Moises;


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