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Collaborative Writing

Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and instant messaging. Developing writing skills is still important in the business world as is creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas) giving you that extra edge in the workplace.

The Collaborative Business Writing workshop will give participants the knowledge and skills to collaborate with others and create that important document. Participants will touch on the types of collaboration, and ways to improve them through certain tools and processes. These basic skills will provide participants with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.



Module 1: What is Collaborative Business Writing?

  • Action Plan

  • Clarifying the Objective

  • Practical Writing Approaches

  • Collaborative Writing Strategies

  • Collaborative Writing Patterns

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module 2: Types of Collaborative Business Writing

  • Parallel Construction – ‘cut and paste’

  • Parallel Construction – ‘puzzle’

  • Sequential Summative Construction

  • Integrating Construction

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module 3: Collaborative Team Members

  • Team Leader Selection

  • Chief Editor Designation

  • Characteristics of Team Members

  • Ways to Build Collaborative Writing Team

  • Case Study

  • Module Four: Review Questions


Module 4: Collaborative Tools and Processes

  • Outlines and Storyboards

  • Collaborative Planning

  • Collaborative Revision

  • Collaborative Team Cohesion

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions



Module 5: Setting Style Guidelines

  • Voice and Person

  • Format

  • Consistent Spelling of Commonly Used Words

  • Numbers as Words or Figures

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions

Module 6: Barriers to Successful Collaborative Writing

  • Hoarding

  • Innovation

  • Search

  • Knowledge Transfer

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module 7t: Overcoming Collaborative Writing Barriers

  • Practicing T-shaped Management

  • Building Network of Alliances

  • Implementing Enablers

  • Assessing the Culture and Areas for Improvement

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module 8: Styles of Dealing with Conflict

  • Ensure that Good Relationships are the First Priority

  • Keep People and Problems Separate

  • Pay Attention to the Interests that are Being Presented

  • Listen First, Talk Second

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module 9: Tips for Successful Business Writing Collaboration

  • Determine Purpose

  • Formulate Outline and Organizational Format

  • Selection of Team Leader

  • Assign Writing Tasks and Associated Duties

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module Eleven: Examples of Collaborative Business Writing

  • Writing Emails

  • Writing Reports

  • Writing Training Manuals

  • Writing Company Handbooks

  • Case Study

  • Review Questions


Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

  • Words From The Wise

  • Review Of The Parking Lot

  • Lessons Learned

  • Recommended Reading

  • Completion Of Action Plans And Evaluations

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